FAQ: Miniature RPG Terrain Wood Furniture
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

What is szie/scale?

The furniture has been designed to fit in with standard RPG games where 1 inch = 5 feet. We took some artistic liberties to make it look great on the game table but we essentially stuck to the 1” = 5’ rule of thumb. For non RPGers; it is closest to HO scale.

Last updated: March 03, 2017 12:10

How do they look so good?

Three reasons: 1. The furniture was designed by Andy “Cosmo Joe” Watkins; the project creator. Watkins is an accomplished artist and designer. He is also a really cool guy and a hard-core RPGer. 2. We are using a laser cutter to both etch the details and cut the pieces for each piece of furniture. The laser does a great job giving us a consistent product. 3. Maybe most important: It is the WOOD! We get a lot of “free” detailing by using wood to create miniature wooden furniture. It looks like great wooden furniture because it is made of wood.

Last updated: March 03, 2017 12:10

Will you offer this after the Kickstarter ends?

We plan to. Every product we run on Kickstarter we run with the intention to include it in our full product line (found at 6d6studio.com). That said, not all products that we run on Kickstarter make it to our product line. Sometimes there isn’t enough interest. Sometime it takes too much work or money for us to make them.

Last updated: March 03, 2017 12:10

What is szie/scale?

The furniture has been designed to fit in with standard RPG games where 1 inch = 5 feet. We took some artistic liberties to make it look great on the game table but we essentially stuck to the 1” = 5’ rule of thumb. For non RPGers; it is closest to HO scale. Last updated: Fri, Mar 3 2017 3:10 pm EST

How do they look so good?

Three reasons: 1. The furniture was designed by Andy “Cosmo Joe” Watkins; the project creator. Watkins is an accomplished artist and designer. He is also a really cool guy and a hard-core RPGer. 2. We are using a laser cutter to both etch the details and cut the pieces for each piece of furniture. The laser does a great job giving us a consistent product. 3. Maybe most important: It is the WOOD! We get a lot of “free” detailing by using wood to create miniature wooden furniture. It looks like great wooden furniture because it is made of wood. Last updated: Fri, Mar 3 2017 3:10 pm EST

Will you offer this after the Kickstarter ends?

We plan to. Every product we run on Kickstarter we run with the intention to include it in our full product line (found at 6d6studio.com). That said, not all products that we run on Kickstarter make it to our product line. Sometimes there isn’t enough interest. Sometime it takes too much work or money for us to make them. Last updated: Fri, Mar 3 2017 3:10 pm EST

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For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!
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When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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